During our Kenya and Tanzania game drives, we encountered a number of trees with strange, round, grass structures that were hanging from the branches. We were told that these were weaver bird nests, and after seeing quite a few nests and birds, we discovered that there are over 100 different types and species throughout Africa and Asia. On one early morning hunt for Hippos, I noticed the little yellow guys constantly chirping and working busily at intricately weaving their spherical nests. They were fun to watch. This particular species is known for nesting in colonies in acacia trees, and I think there was about a dozen or more. Of the many types of weavers, several are yellow with a black mask, I think I have these narrowed down to ones called Speke’s weavers, which are common in the Serengeti. Thanks to Arnold Makinda of Instinct Tours for being such a great guide!