I talked Marcy into trying to produce some snappy video narration. I had this vision of producing a compelling travel video that would gain many viewers. I think we may stick with our day jobs. Click the link below and judge for yourself.

I talked Marcy into trying to produce some snappy video narration. I had this vision of producing a compelling travel video that would gain many viewers. I think we may stick with our day jobs. Click the link below and judge for yourself.
Last winter, when we signed up for Germany/Austria, the tour itinerary listed an optional “Yodeling and Tyrolean Slap Dance” event. Never having sharpened our taste for yodeling and certainly not knowing much about the Tyroleans, we did not sign up. Once we arrived in the…
Doug decided he wanted a hat from Austria. These pictures show about one third of all those he tried on. I felt that much of our shopping time was wasted with this exercise, but he finally found a satisfactory one. Unfortunately, we haven’t a picture…