To the observation that everyone speaks English in Switzerland — maybe, but not our acronyms, like ATM for example. We heard that the ATMs in Swiss train stations exchanged at bank rates and housed most any service you needed, so we launched out to find the…
Month: July 2015
“Foreign toilets can be traumatic, but they are one of those little things that can make travel so much more interesting than staying at home.” – Rick Steves, Rick Steves’ Europe I would never say that I am fascinated with the wide variety of names…
“It has been said, by engineers themselves, that given enough money, they can accomplish virtually anything: send men to the moon, dig a tunnel under the English Channel. There’s no reason they couldn’t likewise devise ways to protect infrastructure from the worst hurricanes, earthquakes and…
Traveling north of 60 … “If we find poetry in the service station and motel, if we are drawn to the airport or train carriage, it is perhaps because, in spite of their architectural compromises and discomforts, in spite of their garish colours and harsh…