During last year’s trip to Prince Edward Island, we began a quest to find all of the 50 or so lighthouses scattered around the Island. Some of these are just industrial looking metal towers, but there are some beautiful quaint ones as well. …

During last year’s trip to Prince Edward Island, we began a quest to find all of the 50 or so lighthouses scattered around the Island. Some of these are just industrial looking metal towers, but there are some beautiful quaint ones as well. …
When we visited PEI in 2015, we decided to try and photograph as many as possible of the Island’s 50+ Lighthouses. The photo album below popped up as a Facebook memory and I figured that it was a good time to share. The New…
The warm waters of the Gulf Stream trail north toward the Canadian Maritime Provinces and provide moderation against the early winters experienced at other places along this half-way point to the North Pole. As nightfall comes, the Canada Geese rise from their evening feeding grounds,…
South side of West Point Light shortly after we arrived. It was already beautiful but got so much better. ” ngg_triggers_display=”never” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″]
Here I sit on a bench in Rustico Harbour pondering a little as to why I enjoy Prince Edward Island so much. I would venture to say that this little island would not have very much appeal to most Americans. It might warrant a two-day…
Photo: Marcy Wielfaert It is a case of trying for the perfect picture, one we could enlarge and print for the living room, so yesterday evening we drove for the third time to the New London Lighthouse. We were encouraged when our family gave positive…