“The Spectacle before us was indeed Sublime” – A Trip To Venus, John Munro, (1897) A technical task brings to mind a pleasant memory I love the ornate language that John Munro used here.   I had never heard of his book “A Trip to Venus”,…

Photo: Marcy Wielfaert It is a case of trying for the perfect picture, one we could enlarge and print for the living room, so yesterday evening we drove for the third time to the New London Lighthouse.   We were encouraged when our family gave positive…

I know I’m risking lighthouse overload, but with the rapidly changing skies here, it’s amazing how different the pictures can be from minute to minute. Captured the blue heron in flight, but he was so far away that the picture is not as sharp as…

You knew there would be pictures…😊 Last minute trip out to the north shore after dinner to see if we could take a few shots in the evening light…extremely windy, but a beautiful evening. I’m trying to learn how to use a new, wide-angle lens…