May 2017 Kaleidoscope of France Gate1 Tour Marcy’s dad had always wanted to go back to Normandy to pay respects to his fallen comrades. We finally made it back for him, and our son Jared did the same 10 years ago. Our visit was on…

May 2017 Kaleidoscope of France Tour – Gate1 The blog title is the punch line to an old joke, but I won’t even go there right now.   Meanwhile,  it is Friday night and we find ourselves back in Paris at the Marriott Rive Gauche.…

May 2017 Kaleidoscope of France Tour – Gate1 ​ PFC Clifford Maughan landed in this spot in  Sainte Mére Eglise via parachute at 01:45 am on 6 June. He was promptly taken prisoner by a German Soldier billeted in the building behind – who then turned…

May 2017 Kaleidoscope of France Gate1 Tour This is a tale of jet lag, and I hope I have my French correct.   The title is supposed to say “Go to the left, do not go the right”  Our Tour of France adventure began Saturday,…

Today’s excursions took us across Lake Geneva to France.  Our first stop was the medieval city of Yvoire, and from there our tour bus drove us an hour south to Chamonix-Mont-Blanc in the heart of the French Alps.   Lunch in France sounded so exotic…

Technology has thwarted us a bit lately, but we remain committed to the task of blogging our summer trip. The YouTube videos you have seen so far are courtesy of Microsoft Movie Maker, but I am in a remote location and my laptop does not…